Finalista en el prestigioso Environmental Photographer of the Year 2018
Muy contento de estar finalista con cuatro de mis imágenes en el prestigioso Concurso Internacional Environmental Photographer of the Year 2018
Dear Photographer,
We are delighted to inform you that your photograph(s) have been selected for the 2018 Environmental Photographer of the Year shortlist, please see below for full details of the selected images. CIWEM is immensely proud of this competition which provides a fantastic platform to raise awareness of environmental issues fundamental to our organisation including climate change, environmental pollution, water resource management, wastewater and flood risk management.
The work(s) will be exhibited in the CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year online gallery and may be selected for future exhibitions and inclusion in the exhibition catalogue.
Crucemos los dedos
Inauguración de mi Exposición en el Indian Photo Festival 2018
Video presentación de mi exposición «Koglweogo. Defenders of Nature. Traditional Self Defence Forces of Burkina Faso» en el Indian Photo Festival (IPF) 2018 en Hyderabad, en la State Art Gallery de Madhapur, del 6 de septiembre al 7 de octubre.
Direct Look photocontest jury wined up first evaluation period and we are glad to inform you that two of your projects -«Koglweogo. Defenders of Nature. Traditional Self-Defence Forces of Burkina Faso» and «The Forgotten Souls of a Death Quarry» were included to Direct Look short-list.
Esta semana en la Revista XLSemanal mi reportaje «Koglweogo: Los Defensores de la Naturaleza. Autodefensas Armadas Tradicionales de Burkina Faso»…
Espero os guste 🙂
Noticia publicada en el Diario Montañés sobre los premios recibidos en el III Certamen de Fotografía Signo Editores.
Muy contento con estos dos nuevos reconocimientos a mi trabajo.
Crucemos los dedos a ver si llegamos más alto en este prestigioso concurso.
«Dear Antonio Aragon Renuncio,Congratulations on being selected as the Third Place Winner of the inaugural SolarMAX Beautiful Moments World Photography and Essay Contest. Your entry was chosen as the Third Place Winner from all of the entries we received from across the globe (44 countries and regions in all).
The Contest Administrators».
Muy contento por este nuevo reconocimiento.